Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Intertek Signs New Contract with the Government of Gabon as Sole provider of Certificate Services to support their new Conformity Assessment Programme

July 01, 2013

(London) Intertek, the leading quality solutions provider to industries worldwide, has signed a new contract with the Agence Gabonnaise de Normalisation (AGANOR) in Gabon , Central Africa, to support its new Conformity Assessment Programme "PROGEC" (Programme Gabonais d Evaluation de la Conformité) in providing certification service to exporters to Gabon.
The PROGEC programme verifies the conformity of all regulated products in the respective exporting countries, ensuring they comply with applicable national, regional or international standards and technical regulations, protecting the health, safety and environment of Gabon's citizens from sub standard imported goods and will commence 5th July 2013.
Exporters to Gabon are required to provide a Certificate of Conformity for Customs clearance and this will be compulsory from 1st October 2013. This certificate can only be obtained from Intertek.
David Gregory, Vice President of Intertek's Government and Trade Services said: "We are delighted to be working with AGANOR in supporting them with the implementation of this highly crucial PROGEC and participate in improving consumer safety in Gabon. Having introduced the very first conformity assessment programme over 18 years ago, Intertek has the required experience and expertise to provide the authorities with this technical service, and exporters to Gabon, with rapid and excellent certification, inspection and testing services."
Intertek's global services network, located in over 100 nations, supports this programme, helping the AGANOR to ensure products imported from around the world are delivered in good order to the people of Gabon.
Further Information:

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) implements new SONCAP programme

SON Implement New SONCAP from 1st March 2013.
in January 2013, the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) officially released a new SONCAP regime with a completely revised conformity assessment structure. The programme now encompasses conformity assessment and verification procedures applicable to all products imported into Nigeria except for those under the exemption list.

The implementation date for this new SONCAP structure was 1st March 2013. The compliance verification process under the new structure will involve physical inspection of the consignment and if necessary, sample selection for testing based on a risk assessment criteria. The shipment certification document under the new structure issued by the SONCAP Independent Accredited Firms (IAF) such as Intertek is called a “Certificate of Conformity (CoC)”. SON will issue the SONCAP Certificate to the Importer on the basis of a CoC.

Whilst the requirements of this new SONCAP regime have become quite complex Intertek assures all Exporters of its full support and assistance in meeting these new requirements.